Local experts in 120+ countries
Consultants with 100+ specialist skills
Over 40 languages spoken
A vetted network
Tapis only recruits trusted consultants with outstanding experience
Tapis recruits the best consultants by:
Built on trusted networks
Grown via referrals
High minimum standards
Robust consultant vetting
The Tapis Network has grown organically through trusted contacts and referrals. All consultants must demonstrate excellence in their specialisation, and have a track record of delivery. Our on-boarding process then ensures consultants are vetted and verified enabling us to match consultants to tasks that draw on tested expertise.
diverse expertise
Tapis has a global network, from diverse sectors, skill sets and backgrounds
Our network is hugely diverse:
Professionally trained
Broad sectoral experience
Strong technical expertise
Robust localised knowledge
Our consultants have a diverse range of expertise. They come from intelligence, military, analytical, technical and business backgrounds. Consultants bring experience from within prominent multi-nationals or government agencies, and strong in-country networks critical to delivering high quality intelligence
excellence assured
Tapis's assurance process ensures the best quality. Always.
We support our clients and consultants by providing quality assurance via:
Talent matching
Fair work policies
Collection guidance
Compliance guidelines
In-house quality assurance
Our consultants deliver high quality intelligence. Tasks are matched to a local consultant with the right knowledge and expertise. Our Fair Work policy ensures consultants are well rewarded - incentivising high quality work - and we all work under our international best practice guidelines. Tapis quality-assures all consultant outputs, ensuring clients get the best intelligence possible.
meet the experts
The Tapis Intelligence network spans over 130 countries.
Here are just a small selection...

Bogota, Colombia
Consultant 1034
17 years in investigation and case management. Trained in top tier management consultancies. Past investigations include document forgery, money laundering, sale of assets under market value and misappropriation of assets. High level sources in various jurisdictions (lawyers, private investigators, journalists, financial analysts, law enforcement officers, security officers). Masters in Finance. French, Spanish and English fluency,

Kabul, Afghanistan
Consultant 2054
Political analyst
Experienced analyst, Afghan national and UK Chevening scholar. Worked as political analyst for multi-laterals and European embassies in Kabul. Maintains effective relationships with senior government officials, international stakeholders and
NGOs. Delivered analytical papers and assessments on political and
security developments. Served as organizational representative in joint initiatives with the government of Afghanistan.

Central Europe
Consultant 7314
Operations expert
Over 20 years experience managing operational risk for PLCs and prominent consultancies. Experience delivering new security protocols across complex organisations, liaising across departments and borders. Astute awareness of cultural, legal and compliance norms across central Europe. Experience working with C-Suite to deliver robust risk management. Good working Russian, Chinese and English.
Interested in joining the Tapis network?
Tapis Intelligence is powered by a network of experienced local consultants - our Consultant Community. By joining the community, researchers, risk and intelligence professionals working around the globe gain access to fantastic opportunities. Whether you're a young professional building your experience, a highly seasoned professional looking for some work on the side, or a local consultancy wanting to increase your international exposure joining the Tapis community can help you.